Resizing a page view
You can resize (enlarge or reduce) the current page displayed in the Page Image panel or in the Text Editor. The Standard toolbar has a zoom selection box that shows the zoom value for the area that is currently active.
To zoom in or out on a page view:
Click in the area you want to enlarge or reduce to make it active.
Select a zoom value from the selection box in the Standard toolbar.
Or, choose Zoom in the View menu and select a size option in the sub-menu.
Or, click the right mouse button in the area you want to resize and select a size option in the shortcut menu.
The page resizes as specified.
You can also resize the original image with the zoom in
or zoom out
buttons in the Image toolbar.
OmniPage offers two dynamic zoom values: Page Width and Whole Page. These may change the zoom factor when you resize an area, so that the whole page width or the whole page always remains visible.