Managing and running jobs
This is done with the Batch Manager. It presents two panels. The left panel lists each job, its next run, status and history. The status will be:
Waiting: Scheduled but job start time is in the future. |
Running: Processing is currently underway. |
Watching: Folder watching is in progress but there is no processing. |
Inactive: Created with the timing instruction: Do not start now; plus any deactivated jobs. |
Expired: Scheduled job but start time is in the past. |
Collecting: Watching in progress, files are arriving but the job is waiting for more incoming files to arrive. |
Paused: User has paused the job and not yet resumed it. |
Closing: Watch type job is saving its result. |
Starting: The status right before Running. Displays when a job is just being started or when more jobs are about to run than the Batch Manager can simultaneously run. |
Click on a job and a page-by-page analysis of all pages in the job appears in the right panel. It shows where input was taken from, the page status and where output was directed to. Click on a plus icon to see more information about the page. For jobs with the error or warning status, the listing shows which pages failed or what problems occurred.
Use the Batch Manager toolbar to manage jobs.
Create Job serves to create a new job. |
Modify Job lets you modify the selected job. It brings up the Job Wizard. Only Inactive jobs can be modified. |
Rename Job lets you modify the name of any selected job. |
Delete Job serves to delete the currently selected job. Only Inactive jobs can be deleted. |
Activate Job serves to activate the selected job. Any inactive job can be activated. Unscheduled jobs can be activated manually. |
Deactivate Job serves to deactivate any active job. If the job is running, this will stop it before deactivating. Choose this to close a Watch folder job immediately to save its result. |
Stop Job serves to terminate a job with status Starting, Running, or Paused. |
Pause Job is available for jobs with status Running or Starting. To modify such a job’s timing instructions you must stop it. |
Resume Job lets the job continue from its state when it was paused. |
Create Job, Activate Job, Deactivate Job, Stop Job, Pause Job and Resume Job are also available from the Batch Manager’s File menu.
Use Save OPD As… in the File menu to save any intermediate result of a paused job to an OPD file.
Rename, Modify and Delete are also available from the Edit menu. Select Copy Status Report from the Edit menu to send a copy of a job’s status report to Clipboard.
To free disk space, choose Clear Occurrence in the Edit menu. This removes files storing the reporting data from the current occurrence of the current job. Clear All Occurrences removes all data for all job occurrences of the selected job. Note that cleared occurrences cannot be viewed any more, so use these commands with caution. These commands have no effect on job output files.
In OmniPage Professional, you can modify the list of folders and subfolders to be watched in the Input Folders panel of the Job Wizard.