Flexible View
Use this view to set up the OmniPage workspace so that it fits your task optimally. From the seven panels display only those you need for the current task. Use the Window menu to display or hide panels.
By default all panels appear, five are on tabbed panels: Page Image (including Thumbnails), Text Editor, Easy Loader, Workflow Status and Help. The Document Manager appears in a horizontal panel at the base of the working area. You can undock, move, minimize, group or close panels as desired. Drag a tab onto the working area to convert it to a Classic-type tiled panel. Drag it back to the tab bar to revert to a tabbed panel. For detail, see About the panels. If panels are grouped under a single tab, the tab text shows the active panel.
To restore the default Flexible View appearance, choose Reset Current View in the Window menu.
There are several ways of arranging the panels to give as much useful working area as possible. Here are a few examples for possible panel arrangements:
To check recognition results, display only the Text Editor and the Document Manager split horizontally. Display the recognized document in the Text Editor by double-clicking the pages one by one in the Document Manager. The number of suspect words and reject characters in the Document Manager will help you identify problematic pages.
To copy
or move
pages from one document to another, open the two documents and display only the Thumbnails panels. Select the pages you want to copy or move and drag them to the title bar of the target document. When the program switches to the target document’s thumbnails and the appropriate Copy or Move cursor shape appears (see above), release the mouse button. See Page operations between documents for more details. You can also start a drag-and-drop operation from the Document Manager.
To verify text on dual-screen, place the Page Image panel on one screen and the Text Editor on the other. You can perform on-the-fly zoning and editing.
See also the Flexible View section in the User’s Guide, in Chapter 2.