Saving OmniPage Documents
The OmniPage Document is the program’s proprietary file type with the extension .opd. OmniPage Documents allow verification, proofing, editing or adding pages to be done when the Document is reopened in future sessions.
An OmniPage Document may contain
the page images with their background values and any zones placed on them
the recognition results
many of the settings as they were at saving time
the links between image and text, so that verification and proofing remain available
zone template and image enhancement template files, training files and user dictionary files provided they were embedded
To save a document as an OmniPage Document:
or choose Save OPD As… in the File menu to open the Save OmniPage Document As dialog box.
Select a folder location and type in a file name for the document.
Click OK.
If a document is saved as an OPD, then you later save it to another file type, it is not automatically resaved as an OPD. When you close the document or exit the program, you will be prompted to save the document as an OPD.
Embedding items in OPDs
User dictionaries, training files, zone template, or image enhancement template files can be embedded in OPDs. This can increase file size considerably but makes the OPD more portable.
Use the Embed button in the following dialog boxes to embed user dictionaries, training files, zone templates and image enhancement templates in OPDs: User Dictionary Files, Training Files, Zone Template Files and Image Enhancement Template Files. You can embed more than one of each type of file in an OmniPage Document, in order to make them available at remote locations, but only one of each can be loaded at a time.
Why save to OPD?
You would typically save your documents to OPD for the following reasons:
You cannot finish working with the document in the current session.
You want to pass the document to other users who have OmniPage. For example, you can pass an OPD file to a specialist for proofing.
In an office network, you may have one scanner generating images for recognition and proofing being done at several workstations, then returned to a central location for saving. These file transfers should be done with OPD files.
You want to build up an archive of recognized documents whose original images remain accessible. The recognized texts allow searching by keywords and other document retrieval techniques.
You want to save any intermediate result of a paused workflow in OmniPage or a job in Batch Manager.
OmniPage Document files can be saved to any folder that can be accessed from your computer. They cannot be directly sent in mail, to FTP, cloud destinations or EMC sites such as SharePoint. These transfers can be done outside OmniPage.