Processing manually
Manual processing gives you more precise control over the way your pages are handled. You can process the document page-by-page with different settings for each page. The program also stops between each step: acquiring images, performing recognition, exporting. This lets you, for instance, draw zones manually on each page. You start each step in the process by clicking the numbered buttons of the OmniPage Toolbox.
To process your document manually:
Select 1-2-3 in the Workflow drop-down list.
in the Standard toolbar or Options… in the Tools menu to check or make settings in the Options dialog box.
Select the desired setting in the Get Page drop-down list.
You define the document source, which can be from image files or from a scanner. Access the scanner settings dialog box and make settings as desired.
Click the Get Page button.
This either brings up a dialog box allowing you to name images files, or initiates scanning. The result is a document with one or more thumbnails in the Thumbnails panel and one page image displayed in the Page Image panel.
Examine the image display – enhance the images if desired.
Now you can manually draw zones on one or more images and assign their properties.
Status bar buttons let you move to other pages. Any image without zones will be auto-zoned when recognition is requested. For more detail see Drawing zones manually and Zones, backgrounds and auto-zoning.
Select a setting in the Layout Description drop-down list. You describe the layout of the incoming pages. This setting has an influence if auto-zoning runs on any pages. You can also select a template to have its zones placed on the current page.
Click the Perform OCR button to have the current page recognized. To have selected pages recognized, make a multiple selection in the Document Manager or in Thumbnails and then click the Perform OCR button.
If you requested proofing, the OCR Proofreader dialog box displays suspect words one after the other from the recognized page(s).
You can proof and edit the recognized text.
To process and transfer zone changes to the Text Editor immediately click
. This enables on-the fly processing of zoning changes made on recognized pages.
Continue loading pages, performing OCR, editing and proofing as desired.
Select a setting in the Export Results drop-down list.
You can save recognized pages (all, selected or current) to file, copy to Clipboard, send as mail or send to other targets. You can save pages more than once.
Save the document as an OmniPage Document file from the File menu or the Standard toolbar.
Click the Export Results button.