Customize Numbered List dialog box

To display this dialog box click Customize… in the Numbered panel of the Bullets and Numbering dialog box.

Number format: Select a numbering style from the list box below. It is displayed with a highlight, indicating that the value will increase for each paragraph, for instance 1,2,3 or A,B,C. You can insert a limited number of non-editable, non-increasing characters before or after the numbering style, for a result like A1, A2, A3.

Number style: Select a numbering style to have it placed in the Number format edit box.

Start at: Select a starting value for the first paragraph in the current selection.

Number position

Indent at: Define a left margin position for the numbering.

Text position

Space after: Define the amount of space to be placed after each numbered paragraph.

Indent at: Define a left margin position for the numbered texts.


This shows the effects of your settings.

Customize Numbered List dialog box