Opening an OmniPage Document
OmniPage can open documents which were previously saved as OmniPage Documents. This allows you to complete unfinished processing, re-recognize pages, add new pages and save the document repeatedly to a range of file types.
As OmniPage can handle multiple documents, more than one OPD can be opened at the same time.
To open an OmniPage Document:
Choose Open OPD… in the File menu or click the Open button
in the Standard toolbar.
The Open OmniPage Document dialog box appears.
Select the folder location and the file type you want to see listed.
Choose between OmniPage Documents (*.opd) and All files. All files can be viewed, but only OPD files can be opened.
Double-click a file to open it.
An OmniPage Document opens with the original image of its first page displayed in the Page Image panel and recognition results, if any, in the Text Editor. The settings from the OmniPage Document, and any unsaved training data, are loaded with it.
Extracting items from OPDs
Use the Extract button in the following dialog boxes to extract user dictionaries, training files, zone templates and image enhancement templates embedded in an OPD: User Dictionary Files, Training Files, Zone Template Files and Image Enhancement Template Files. The appropriate Save dialog box will appear where you can save an embedded item as a separate file on your local computer.
OmniPage 18 can open OPD files created by OmniPage 15, 16 and 17. These files enter the program as unnamed documents. To keep an OPD in the old format and also save it as a new OPD, choose a different name to avoid overwriting the old file.
At the bottom of the File menu there may be a list of the four most recently opened OmniPage Documents. Click one to open it.
Opening an OmniPage Document is also available as a workflow step.